Monday, August 27, 2007

Prague, Czech Republic [part 2]

So after a fun and energized night at the discoteque, we were given a full day to ourselves. Most of the people loved this idea, but since I have very little self-control when it comes to sleeping in...I slept in longer than I wanted. I woke up, and most of the girls were already done getting ready and about to hit the wondrous streets of Prague. I quickly tried to take a shower and get ready, but I'm not that quick. Everyone was gone, and I thought I was all alone, and I began to get sad because I had my heart set on getting my mom some Garnet (her birth stone) since it was the country's stone or something like that. I decided I would walk to the mall next door and see what I could do/ who I could possibly found. Thank god that I ran into Kelsie!! She was meeting up with two German boys she met from the night before. They seemed legit, so I tagged along with them.

The German guys were actually very nice and really funny. We all went on the paddle boats under the Charles Bridge. Unfortunately I do not have pictures of that since my camera got broken the night before, and out of everyone I could have been with...Kelsie's camera had no more memory. But it was so much fun, and of course I was ambitious and wanted to be the paddler. It was so tiring! We stopped a lot and had funny conversations about the things we saw. Then we paddled back to the dock.

After all the unexpected exercise, we walked even further into the town to find a place to eat. We sat at an outdoor restaurant and Kelsie and I ordered Pizza. It was quite yummy and very big so I didn't get to finish it. I excused myself from lunch and hunted for a reasonable jewelry store. Instead of being called a jewelry store, most of them are just called "Garnet." I found some very nice sterling silver pieces for my mom and Randy's mom; then I caught up with the other three.

I was kind of nervous to ride the tram thing because the German boys insisted on NOT getting tram tickets because the drivers don't take your ticket, you just kind of hop on the tram. But if you get caught, I heard its a huge fine. It was so convenient that the boys understood how to read the tram maps and stuff, because I would have been back at the hotel still if it wasn't for them.

Later that night Ryno took all 45 of us on the tram to our final dinner together. We were seated in a large party room along with an older group of travelers from the US. (I actually talked to one in the bathroom who was from the bay area, small world). It was a really fun dinner, despite some meat-like tasting beverages and not-so-yummy food. And finally it was Marky-Mark's birthday. (Every dinner, it was somebody's birthday as a joke). There were a ton of pictures being taken and lots and lots of laughs. It showed how much our group got closer since meeting in Paris.

And for our last stop together, we took one final group pic then all headed to a local bar, typical. It was fun because it was a small bar and we all kept together talking up a storm before we had to say our goodbyes. Half of the group left early because they had an early flight, so it was hard to say goodbye to them. But the rest of us kept the party going as we came up with a new dance: "The Paparazzi Dance." Thanks Kevin D. for your inspirations, I'm bringing it back to the West Coast!

After, K-Mad, Liz, Erika and myself (and B.O.B) strolled off wandering the streets looking for things to do. I think we ended the night with more sandwiches from the hotel? And I cuddled with Liz on our last night in Europe :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok so I'm behind on this but ok, I TOTALLY got fined riding without a ticket in Prague, so you got really lucky! We seriously thought it was a scam too because we had to pay right there, until we found a cop and showed him the ticket, and he said it was legit. Oh the joys of Europe...haha.