Sunday, August 26, 2007

Prague, Czech Republic [part 1]

Day 10:
As the trip comes to an end, we reach our final destination: Prague, Czech Republic aka PRAHA. Praha sounds soo much better than "Prague." Ryno took us through a walking tour from the coach to the main center in Prague. He pointed out things for us to check out and where to exchange our Euros into Krona (The most confusing currency ever). He took us straight to the gothic St. Vitus Cathedral, a Roman Catholic church. It was extremely bright outside and really warm, there was a truck going by spraying the ground with water. Everyone was taking pictures with the guards but I thought it was kinda weird since they didn't move. After a while we were able to break away from the group and walk around for a bit. I was in desperate need of ice cold water. Later we walked further across the town to the coach to go to the hotel.

Our stay in Prague was a little different than the itinerary we had for the other countries. We go much more free time and had to scope dinner out on our own. A few of us walked to the mall and grocery store down the street from our hotel. I needed some ice for our beverages back in the room, so I tried to find english-speaking people in the grocery store to help me out. They all pointed me in different directions and I was getting really annoyed, and I felt kind of dehydrated. After about 30 minutes of walking around the store looking for ice, I ran in Kris from our group and he told me that in Europe they don't sell ice like we do in the States, and that all the people were probably sending me to the ice cream coolers. What a waste of time. I picked up a yogurt and a weird tuna sandwich.

Back at the hotel, a few of us were pre-partying in Jenna and Robyn's room watching MTV. This was the night that all the girls got more glammed up, since we were going to what was known as the biggest club in Central Europe, Karlovy Lazne, where each of the 5 levels had its own style of music. On the way to the club. Kyle directed us to the tram and how we managed to take the right number and exit the right stop is beyond me. All day long, and all trip long, the weather was perfect. That is, until we got off the tram- it was raining! All the girls were yelling and freaking out. We wanted to go to this one hotel to meet the other half of the group, but it was a ways down the streets of Prague. So everyone starts running into the rain, heels clinking on the cobblestone, hair and clothes getting drenched. It was quite ridiculous and random. I eventually just took off my shoes and I think that hurt worse. We finally arrive at the hotel and bar, but we were all soaked and pretty much got kicked out. I stayed behind at the hotel while the rest of the group split up and went to random bars. By the end of the night we all met up at the club.

This club was huge! Each floor was bumpin different types of music from techno to 80s. Our group lounged on the 80s floor listening to the likes of Madonna and Michael Jackson. We knew it was our second to last night in Europe together and everyone was having a blast dancing and mingling the night away! Prague was the place of lost and broken goods. Some people lost their wallets, purses, and cameras. My camera got broken (not by me), but I didn't sweat it that much because it could have been worse. As Mark says, "At least it didn't break in Paris." I would have been pissed.

After the club, a few of us were hungry. We got taxi rides back to the hotel and Kevin used his magic to get us some delish sandwiches from the hotel (no hamerguesas for Christine). As the trip came to a close, it was clear that our first night in Prague was by far the most wild and random night of the trip, from the pouring rain, lost/stolen/broken goods, Michael Jackson, and Christine's drunkenness. Oh Praha-haha-ha.

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