Saturday, August 11, 2007

Florence, Italy

Day 4 (continued):
After Switzerland came Florence, Italia. I was really anxious to visit Italy because I am an Italian Stallion. Being Italian, Portuguese, and Salvadorian, Italy marks my first visit to a motherland. The bus ride there was pretty long, so by the time we arrived, we had just enough time to freshen up before dinner, then head out. I of course scoped out the Gelateria first and got myself a delish kiwi and pistachio scoop. Dinner was pretty good, but as the Italian way goes...after about a 6 course meal, I was stuffed. The pesto pasta didn't look that great, and I almost didn't eat it (weird, I know..I eat everything) and I am so glad that I did because it was delicious despite the way it looked! It was packed with so much flavor.

After dinner, Ryan took us to the Red Garter, where there was Karaoke! James, Jenna, Ashley, and I sang "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls. Typical. The rest of the Contiki crew was loving it and everyone knew the words!

It was a really fun night for me because I got to know the other San Diego girls (Jenna and Ashley) much better as well as our Supers., Kevin and Marky Mark. Later that night us SD girls caught a cab and went back to the hotel to cause more mischief. We thought it would be funny to post a " Hot" notes on Kevin's and Ryan's door. As we were writing these notes, being silly girls listening to the radio, in walks Kevin (speak of the devil). We all jumped up and started giggling and screaming like typical girls, as Kevin wrestled us for the evidence. Kevin never figured out what we were doing and when he left we decided to put a sign saying, "Stay Classy San Diego" on what we thought was his door. The next day, we welcomed the President of the company on the coach as he said, "You know you are on a Contiki tour when you wake up with a sign on your door that says 'Stay Classy San Diego.' " Oooooops!

Stay Classy San Diego!

Day 5:
The next day we got to experience Florence and it's lovely shopping! Florence was gorgeous and I absolutely fell in love with all the apartments and buildings everywhere. The weather was also very nice. What I liked about Florence was that there were not as many cars because the allies are so small. Ally and I had our own personal tour guide (after we ditched the professional tour guide)...Bethany! She had lived in Florence before after she studied abroad, so she was more than excited to show us around. We went pretty far from the center of town to eat at this cafe Bethany suggested. It was quite delish (thanks for ordering for me Bethany!). We just shopped around the local markets, eating gelato, and having a good time. Oh yeah, and I got to see the fake David! Then it got a lot hotter as we waited for the group to gather.

Before dinner, everyone got glammed up for a crazy night in Florence! First, we took a professional group picture overlooking the city of Florence and hung around checking out the scenery and taking group pictures. Next, we cruised over to a wild Tuscany dinner. It was basically like a dinner party after a wedding. There was singing, dancing and wine...lots and lots of wine. Needless to say, we left dinner ready for the night.

Welcome to Space Electronic Discoteque! Talk about insane! I got my free drink that was very strong since I tipped the bartender a 5 Euro, well worth it. We were hooked up with a VIP lounge overlooking the dance floor, and we even made friends with the DJ. After awhile a few of us hung out with the Super downstairs singing some karaoke. Then back to the hotel we went. The next day was not so great. But Florence, you rocked!

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