Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Germanys History

Today on the coach we got an unbelievable surprise from our tour guide, Ryan. On our way from Austria to Germany, he told us that he was going to take us to the first concentration camp in Germany, near Munich. My heart nearly sank. Before I left the states I tried to research if there were an Holocaust museums near where we would be, but it was really difficult so I gave up. This past quarter I read an incredible book called Because of Romek written by a Holocause survivor. I was so moved by this book as some of you may have heard me talk about this book. If not then I definately recommend it to be read. I cant even describe the feelings I got from going to the concentration camp. Such a dark feeling. I took some pictures but they are nothing great, since the camp itself was nothing great. It was all grey and just really eerie. I saw the gas chambers and read about how they tricked the Jews into going into these buildings by installing shower heads and telling them they were showers. Seeing it in person was so different than I imagined it from the book. It was worse. Drinking wine and beer and acting stupidly funny with everyone can happen any day pretty much, but visiting a concentration camp was a more special part of this experience to me.

It seems that this whole trip I have tried to move out of my overworked and tired bubble by really having a lot of fun and being more exciting then I usually am. Most of you know Im pretty boring back at home. This trip has been nothing but a party while learning some history and seeing amazing buildings. But this one trip to the concentration camp really changed the experience. It is so different than everything else we have been doing. Europe is a blast and everyone lets loose, but it does have its dark side of it as well. And just like the tour manager pointed out, its really important to experience that side as well. He said that not all his tours go there, its a treat from the driver and the tour manager. I felt really lucky to include that special experience on my entire trip. I have so much fun getting to know people, letting my straight-edge guard down, and learning SOOO MUCH about Europe. Ryan is amazing with his European History and he explains it to us in such an inticing way, it really makes me want to take on some European history classes. So even though this trip seems like a huge party on the surface, to me it has its educational values and Ive learned things that I never would have in a book.

Bring on Prague.
Ps. Austria was RIDICULOUSLY amazing/awesome/wonderful/beautiful/THE SHIT.

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