Friday, August 17, 2007

Munich, Germany

Day 9:
While I was in Munich, I wanted to find a computer and write about my experience at the concentration camp. I thought it was such an important place that we visited, I wanted to share right away (My blog: "Germany's History"). Now that I have the guide with me, I can be more specific then my initial blog. The concentration camp was call The Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site in Dachau, Germany. It was the first concentration camp established by the Nazis. To visit this memorial and remember those who suffered was such a blessing, something I will never forget.

As mentioned in my previous blog about this visit, it was such a great opportunity that the tour manager and bus driver incorporated this site into our itinerary. On the surface, this trip sounds like a huge party..but really I took it as very educational. I learned a lot of random European History that I will remember better than I ever would by reading it in a text book. Contiki Tours..or any traveling experiences is all about what you make of it. Although the concentration camp carried a very different mood than the rest of the trip, I appreciated that detour more than the Effiel Tower or the Moulin Rouge, etc. Once again, check out the book Because of Romek.

Continuing on to Munich, Germany...we stopped in the center of Munich and had time to walk around and get lunch. I went to an internet cafe and nearly freaked when the computer froze on me when I was almost done with my blog (Thank god Google has auto-save!). Then I thought I was lost again because I couldn't find the group I was with, then I got lucky and randomly came across a few members. We checked out ONE of the many H&M's. And I bought a snow globe and a 4 Euro (~$6) frappuccino (but it was worth it).

For dinner, Ryno took us to the Hofbrauhaus, a famous beer hall. This place was HUGE and it was buffet style and pretty yummy. Also, they served the largest beer steins for only 6 Euro! I couldn't even hold up the glass with one hand, it was so heavy!

And just like every other dinner we had, there was crazy live entertainment. But what was better about this entertainment is that two of our very own got to get on stage and give a hand! Kevin showed off his skills in a traditional Deutsch dance, while Hannah helped ring some bells. Make sure to pay attention to Kevin's legs in this video, hilarious:

After dinner, I was lucky enough to ride with the crazy K-Mad in his rented BMW (3 series Hardtop convertible 6 be exact). Melissa, Kyle, and I got the ride of a lifetime as Kevin pushed 240km, which is about 150mph. In Germany, there are certain spots of the autobahn where there is no speed limit. Imagine going 150mph in a convertible with the top down, with some crazy guy who didn't even know Munchen=Munich. EXCITING! We ended up somewhere random on the autobahn where it smelt like cows and took a few pictures in the middle of the street. As soon as I got back to the hotel I cashed in a 5 euro to call my stepdad because he had to be the first person I told about the Need for Speed moment. (Later I realized that 5 euro call was really like $7...for 3 minutes, ouch).

Picture: 220km pushing 240km

Germany was definitely a place for unique experiences.


Anonymous said...

That beer mug is larger than your head!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Ashly Simpson...

Anonymous said...

Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?

Can someone help me find it?

Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
