Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Paragliding in Colombia

Medellin, Colombia is quite known for its paragliding because of the mountains and wind. I had really wanted to go, so I found someone who wanted to go as well, and we sought out a mission to go paragliding. And Jodi and Michael (from London) came with us as well for the adventure and moral support. We walked about 20 minutes to the metro then took that for about 15 min to a bus station where we took a red funky school bus for about an hour up the mountain. It was awesome being at the top and overlooking the city. Morty and I got strapped it to do a tandom paraglide. I wasnt scared at first becuase they literally strap you in and tell you 3 sentences in spanish then start running and you are immediately in the air. The very first thought I had was "these strings are gonna fuckin break" pardon the language, lol, but thats what I was thinking! But after about 5 minutes I was ok. I was in the air, about 3000 feet in the air. It was a great feeling once I started to relax. I was surprised how spontaneous this once and that I was not nervous at all. Thanks to Morty, I was able to do something I have been wanting to do for a long time. But at a MUCH cheaper price!

Pics up later.

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