Monday, January 26, 2009

Estoy en Colombia!

Finally made it. It was an adventure not having a plan once i got off the airplane. after 40 minutes of a police officer helping me out and then an american airlines steward, i decided it would be best to just take a taxi even tho it cost $28. but i didnt realize it was an hour long taxi ride, so it was worth it. the best drive ever!!! went all the way up a mountain and then down the other side. SF has got nothing on these hills! and i noticed the taxi driver was driving stick. i would have never been able to do it. Medellin is located deep in a valley surrounded by tons of lush green mountains. it was absolutely gorgeous. and the little candy stores in the small mountain communities were like in the dominican. the taxi driver was soooo nice, he pulled over a few times to point things out to me and tell me abut the country, all in spanish of course. but i understood most of it.

the hostel has like 5 bunkbeds all in one room, so u make friends right away. after i took a shower (finally) the guy i was talking to earlierwas going to meet a friend of his from when he was in panama. his friend lives here now teaching. so we had dinner and he told us about Medellin and we just got to know each other. They were from Denmark and Canada. And they said congratulations with your new president. they knew more about our politics then i do!

anyways...i should go to bed now. im sooo wiped out from the plane rides and no sleep the nights before.

glad i made it alive!! haha

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