Sunday, January 25, 2009

Why I am going to South America

Many of you have been asking.....and NO, it is NOT because I am rich or some other crazy assumption. Trust me, if anything, I have gone into debt over this trip....and Im not even there yet! So why go?

1. My main objective was because I wanted to volunteer again. I absolutely LOVED my experience in the Dominican Republic. I loved working with the kids, trying to communicate through broken spanish/english, teaching them new things such as songs and dances, and honestly...I just loved their enthusiasm and joy to teach ME things they knew. Little kids are much more excited and willing to teach you things, they are more adventurous, with (for the most part) innocent minds and hearts. It sounds ironic, but you can really learn more from a child than from an adult.
>> I will be volunteering in Ecuador for three weeks. Check out the program:

2. I was supposed to study abroad in Ecuador, but the program got canceled. Once I set my mind on something, it is hard to try and change it. Therefore, I was set on traveling to Ecuador. I chose Ecuador (for both the study abroad and volunteer programs) because of cost and it happened to hit on the dot the type of programs I was interested in. There was an option to volunteer in Peru, but I liked the program better in Ecuador.

3. Machu Picchu. Since my spanish project of Peru in the 11th grade, this archeological landmark has been number 1 on my list of places to visit. Which is why I wanted to volunteer (or study) in Peru or somewhere close (such as Ecuador) so I would be able to cost-efficiently arrive at the steps of Machu Picchu.

4. Why am I going to Colombia, most of you ask? Why not? Because its dangerous? So is Salinas or East LA, yet no one asks me why I would go there. I know, I know, its different. I figured, since I was in the would be a perfect time to see Colombia (it is right above Ecuador). I actually know several people who live there or have family there...(much more so than Ecuador or Peru), so I have gotten a lot of insight about the Country. And I will be staying with a coworkers family for more than half my stay in Colombia.

5. I want to improve my spanish!!! The only way for me to do that is to get out there and be forced to speak it!

6. Maybe I wont always have hot water, or internet access, or clean clothes...but I will be enjoying some of the best AUTHENTIC food, with some of the most lively and friendly cultures there are! No offense, but Im tired of the RUDE and inconsiderate public I work with. I hope not to offend our American culture...but it feels good to get out in the world and experience other forms of living.

7. I need something adventurous to do. I need to get out in the world on my own. Becoming an adult is scary, so at least let me start with something that Im passionate about.

Believe me when I say that I am NOT made of money just deciding to blow all that cash on this trip. I have been planning this for over a year (so I was able to use AA miles on the round trip flight - saved A LOT of money). I'm just coming to a point in my life where I need to start a professional career, and like...become responsible, and I see this trip as a transition between where I am now, and where I want to be in the future. I know Im in the financial hole and I dont care. I will be crossing off my number one place in this world I want to see. Passion and dedication are inevitably strong forces toward happiness.

You CAN do what you want. <3

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