Thursday, July 24, 2008


Munich, Germany
We arrived to the center of downtown Munich at the Glockenspiel with the clock. I was starving! Liz went to get some money, and I went to find some food. I bought a piece of bread or something random, lol. We didn't really have much time here, but we checked out H&M. Its weird cause there are like 5 of them down the same street. Can you imagine going to the mall with Gap around every corner. Thats what its like.

Now, let the beerfest in Germany begin! Our whole group went to a Beer Hall, filled with dancing, yodeling, and well...drinking! Dinner was delish! I ate everything on my plate, and helped Sheilah out with hers! German food is yummy! (I used to also work at a German restaurant). Our beersteins of beer were HUGE! And I was the first to finish my beerstein at my table, impressive, I know! A few steins later, and it was time to hit the night scene in Munich. Whatever that was.

I went out with some people from our group, and we took the metro somewhere, we just followed our tour guide. I dont really know where we were, but we were trying to find some bars or clubs. We ended up going to a bar/club with no cover. There were these Spanish guys somewhere along the way, and apparently, I started speaking "fluent" Spanish, haha. So we followed them to the bar. After this random adventure to the dance floor, we headed back to the hostel. There, I ran into Peter and Sami. Sami informed me that there was a "Maccas" (McDonalds) down the street. We had been having conversations about going on a Maccas run, so we decided to go. Across the street was a gas station or quickie mart or something. Sami was video taping our adventure to Maccas, while walking backwards. All of a sudden, I heard some pottery break....and I took off RUNNING!!! Sami ran into something at the quickie mart while wlkaing backwards. I kept running down the street/alley and I heard people running behind me. We were out of breath by the time we got to Maccas. There, we met up with more people from our group. Im guessing it was pretty late, maybe after 2am. Everyone had the munchies for a tasty burger. That McChicken may have cost me 6 Euros (ouch!) but it was daaaaamn good!!! The Maccas Run is pretty much my favorite random memory of this Eurotrip.

St. Goar, Germany
If you have been to San Juan, CA...then this is what this place reminded me of. Super small town with one main road. There was a pizza parlor, a bar, a church, a bank, and a small market. Actually, Im not sure if this was St. Goar, or just a really small neighboring town. Im pretty sure the place we visited on the way here was St. Goar, but maybe its all the same place? Anyways, the place where we were staying was in a really small little town. So, I dont know what it was called where we were staying at. It wasnt a hotel or a hostel. It was like a big house. The rooms were downstairs, and they were like rooms in a normal house. An old house. They had a garage with some weird ass stuff, like mannequins, bikes, etc. And there was an eliptical in the hallway, random! Well, if you walked behind the house, past the railroad tracks, there was a river. And in the distance you could see a castle that was on top of a hill (Thats the cool thing about Europe, lots of castles!). We hung out by the river for awhile, skipping rocks, then decided to walk down the main street to see what else was in the town. It was quiet, and Im pretty sure our group were the only people walking around. And because of Chantel, that night I slept in fear of bed bugs! And our bed broke, haha.

Dachau, Germany
Also, on the way to St. Goar, we had stopped at the Concentration Camp in Dachau. It was the same one I went to last year. This time, I did a lot more reading of the information that was around the camp. Last year I felt really glooomy, because I had just read the book Because of Romek, so I kind of just walked around instead of reading stuff. The information just soaks you in! It gives you a whole different perspective on life.

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