Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Paris, round 2

How did Paris get more enchanting over the past year? Seeing the Eiffel Tower just doesnt get old. Until I see the Taj Mahal, my eyes have been opened the widest in Paris. And just like London, you have easy access to transit systems and can walk around the city. I would if I was someone visiting San Diego, for example, how the heck would I get around? Would I be able to walk all around downtown...little Italy, Seaport Village, Old Town etc? And the bus system takes FOREVER. San Francisco, on the otherhand, is smart like these European cities. You think LA and San Diego would be too.

Highlights in Paris:

1. The Eiffel Tower, of course. We got dropped off before dusk, with about 2 hours worth of daylight. I was fortunate enough to go to the top last year, so this time...I wanted to get pictures from EVERY angle. As my friends took their trek up the Eiffel Tower, I decided to wonder by myself. I literally went in a circle around the Eiffel Tower across streets and Seine River. I took over 50 pictures of that thing! I tried to call my mom, cool is that to call from a payphone in Paris, looking straight at the Eiffel Tower across the way. Too bad no one answered the phone. At night, the illuminations began. Last year the tower was lit white. This year, it sparkeled blue, and had the European Union stars. According to wiki:

"At the start of the French Presidency of the European Union in the second half of 2008, the twelve golden stars of the European Flag were mounted on the base, and whole tower bathed in blue light."

Im not sure how long the tower will be lit as such, but I thought it was pretty lucky that I got to see that in person!

3. The Louvre & Mona Lisa. You have to see the Mona Lisa if you go to Paris. Its small, very small, but worth the pushing and shoving. Its quite an adventure to even get to it! Old ladies shoving and pushing...just ask Chantel. The Louvre is just so big! So many things to see! I wish I was more into art to appreciate it more. And here is Liz entering the Mosh Pit:

4. Walking to the Notre Dame. Last year I wasnt sure how far the Notre Dame was from the Louvre, I thought it was further than a comfortable walking distance. But its not! We just walked along the Seine River. We couldnt resist stopping at practically every little souvenir vendor along the wall. I finally got to go into the Notre Dame! If you recall my blog from last year's visit, I seemed to have lost my new group of friends and in fear of losing them permanently, I stood by the exit so I could see them come out. Which meant that I never went inside, and I was rather bummed. BUT, here I was inside! And I lit a candle for my great aunt, whom had just passed away a few days before my departure.

5. The CATACOMBS!!! Ok, so this was my big story in Paris. The one thing I had crossed my fingers to make my way to this trip was the Catacombs. Last year, some of the interns had gone there and I really wanted to go there this time! I have some really great friends who were willing to help me get there. The lady at the tube (I forget what they call it) station definitely didnt understand us, so that was nice. And then finally when we figured out where to go, the lady I asked, "How do we get to the catacombs" in English didnt understand us either. I dont even know if they call them catacombs there? Because I thought "Catacombs" was enough for them to know where to send stupid tourists like me, lol. It was across the street and this lady didnt know what I was talking about! to try and make a long story short....the line was kinda long. My friends didnt really care to wait in line, so they went to a cafe. I waited in line, then the guy comes and tells us that they are closing soon, and that we probably wouldnt be let in. What the hell! Who knows when I would be in Paris again, right in FRONT of the catacombs. I was gonna see that shit! Some people left the line...good, I got closer to the front! The couple in front of me was so funny. The guy was just as frustrated as I was. He refused to leave the line as well. We were determined to see these bones! Again, the guy came around, and some more people left the line. Finally...12 people away from the door, checking the time every minute, the guy walks out and says....the next 20 people are the last to come in. WHEEWWW. Number 12 baby. So then...I get inside all excited and eager to take pictures. When...flash! DEAD! WHATTTT! Just my luck. And of course none of my eight friends with cameras were with me. But, I still got one really cool shot as a last breath of flash. And this site, was SO MUCH different then I thought! Here's a link, but I think not knowing was even cooler. And they check your bag at the end for stolen skulls. Haha, one was sitting on the table next to the guard. Come on people, thats sick!

6. Banana Nutella Crepes and pizza with eggs. Need I say more? Mmm...

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