Sunday, July 20, 2008

Beefing my Blog

So, I got inspired the other night to really start up my travel/adventure blog. I would like to at least summarize my Europe trip from this summer.

And I recently went on a quick trip to San Francisco, and it was kinda my first time doing some traveling on my own, outside of the airport, so thats exciting.

Also, Im trying to figure out my volunteer trip that I want to take sometime before February. I was thinking Peru, but now Im thinking Ecuador, then maybe fly down to Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca (Bolivia side). We'll see how that trip will go; right now its all up in the air with lots of routes to be taken.

Maybe this weekend there will be a camping trip??? And snorkeling later this week?? I'm really into doing outdoorsy things lately, especially riding the beach cruiser around PB and Mission Bay. I've realized that there is so much fun stuff to do in your own backyard, and there is so much of San Diego that I still want to see and explore before I leave...again.

I think that because Im not in school right now (and I always had summer school) that for the first time in my whole life....I can think about doing fun stuff instead of always having school in the back of my mind. Kinda sucks I still need to study for the GRE like ASAP, least I dont have to study for numerous midterms and finals and write papers. ew.

For now....I want to go on adventures!

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