Friday, September 7, 2007

Leaving Europe/ Final Thoughts

Day 12:
After a very long 11 days traveling all over Europe, it was time to say good-bye. I hoped on the last shuttle to the airport at 9am even though my flight wasn't until much later. Not going to lie..I get really attached to people, and it was hard to see everyone off. Even though I have persistent plans on visiting the East Coast this winter or spring, I still go t teary-eyed when I said good bye to Liz, from RI.

There was quite a few of us who were at the same terminal, as well as Christine and Dan being on my flight to Frankfort, Germany. We all lounged around the airport finding things to do until we had to leave. Everyone eventually left, leaving Christine, Dan, and me all alone. We stalked out the comfy chairs and sat in them for about 10 minutes until we decided we were hungry.

The flight to Frankfort was fun because we all got to sit next to each other and we just bounced from conversation to conversation. We arrived at our next terminal, and it was my turn to say good-bye, as I would be going to DC while they were going to NY. As I reached the top of the escalator on my way to the furthest gate ever, I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I know that sounds sooo pathetic, but whatever!

A 12 day trip to Europe with a bunch of college kids was exactly what I needed this summer. As I approach a very busy final school year at UCSD, that "holiday" as they call in, was pure bliss. It was a perfect way for me to let loose and have some wild fun before falling back into the student/employee role.

Beyond words, I recommend any fun travel experience during your college years!

Shout-outs: Thank you Europe, thank you Contiki staff, thank you FMIs, and thank you gelato ice cream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.