Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Im in Europe!

So I haven't gotten much time like I wanted in order to type up a few of my journal entries. The internet is really expensive in Europe and Ive been extremely busy doing incredible things that its hard to fit in an internet sesh. But right now I am currently in Austria, and its so bad ass. Yesterday we went white water rafting and today we went on a pretty scenic bike ride. Im pretty tired and sore right now, but it was all worth it.

I will eventually update the rest of this blog when I get home. But one thing I just wanted to tell everyone is that everything is Europe is TINY!! Everything is sooo small, the cars, the streets, the elevators, drinking orange juice in the morning is like taking a double shot, so you need a few glasses. But its cool because as most of you know, Im in love with miniature things. Its just a trip to see how all these things are so tiny, I guess it makes sense in such small countries.

Little car on street in Paris, and the little dessert given in Switzerland. Wish I had a pic of the little elevator that fit 2 people from the hotel in Lucerne.

Europe so far is more than I could have imagined and I cant wait to share it all with everyone.

Oh yeah and I got some narly bug bite/ rash (acutally I dont know what it is) on my wrist...But its pretty cool not that it stopped itching, lol.

Miss you all!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Contiki Holidays

All I have to say is that CONTIKI knows how to travel in style!!!!

check out the website: www.contiki.com

Plan the trip of a lifetime!!!!

Msg or email me for more details and how to save money!